WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Local Plan Working Group 04/11/04: APPROVED MINUTES LOCAL PLAN WORKING GROUP APPROVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON Thursday 4th November 2004 at 3.30pm. in CNPA offices, Grantown-on-Spey. PRESENT: Sue Walker CNPA Board Bruce Luffman " Basil Dunlop " Danny Alexander CNPA (Head of Communications) Norman Brockie " Gavin Miles " Fiona Munro Anna Barton " (Community Liaison Co-ordinator) Andy Rockall SNH Miff Tuck SRPBA Bill Rowell Association of Cairngorms Community Councils Tim Whittome Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce AGENDA: 1. N.Brockie welcomed those present and offered introductions. APOLOGIES: 2. Apologies were offered for:Laura Robertson & Gillian Buchanan, Aberdeenshire Council; Maggie Bochel, Highland Council; Martin Wanless, Moray Council; Jim Mackay & Nicola Abrahms, SEPA; Duncan Bryden & Douglas Glass, CNPA Board; Jean Henretty, Local Plan Community Liaison Co-ordinator; David Bale, SNH. Duncan McKellar, Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: 3. Were approved. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES: 4. Basil Dunlop requested clarification on the legal position of the Local Plan. Norman Brockie explained that the CNPA planning team had discussed the matter again with Scottish Executive planners at a meeting on 27 October. The SE planners expressed some concern over the different timescales of the Local Plan and Park Plan. They suggested that delaying the publication of the deposit draft Local Plan to mirror the publication of the draft Park Plan would reduce the likelihood of a challenge as the strategic context for the Local Plan would be clear. 5. The Group discussed the implications of changing the timing of Local Plan production. Bruce Luffman noted that any slippage in Local Plan timetable would need to managed carefully. 6. Bruce Luffman also noted that the Cairngorms Local Plan was likely to have a very different policy context to other development plans. He cited the example of Aberdeenshire Council’s future housing policy, where very little housing land is likely to be provided outside of Alford and Banchory within Aberdeenshire’s ‘rural’ area. Fiona Munro explained that the Housing Market Study that is about to be commissioned by the CNPA will provide a statistical basis for the CNPA’s own housing policy and allocations. Fiona also noted that one of the requirements of the study is that it provides a rigorous basis for Local Plan policy. Bill Rowell asked if the Housing market study was a new piece of research and Fiona confirmed that it was an exercise in drawing together and interpreting the existing research and figures within the CNP area rather than duplication of work. PRESENTATION ON THE CAIRNGORMS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FROM TIM WHITTOME AND DISCUSsION OF HOW BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CAN INTERACT WITH THE CNP LOCAL PLAN 7. Tim Whittome gave a presentation on the Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce (CCC), highlighting the broad membership of the Chamber across the CNP and some of the areas where its members have a business interest in the Local Plan. Tim pointed out that the CCC is updating a list of all business addresses within and around the CNP. 8. Following the presentation, there was some discussion about the interaction of the CCC and the Local Plan and CNPA. Bruce Luffman pointed out that the CNPA’s enabling role meant that links with the CCC were important. The group discussed employment land and housing land/ house types and prices as the main issues thought to be important to businesses and employers. 9. Anna Barton asked how the CCC could be used to improve consultation on the Local Plan. The group’s view was that the CCC could comment usefully once a draft plan was produced, but that there would be merit in CCC members attending early community consultation events. REPORT OF FIRST PUBLIC MEETING AT KINCRAIG BY BILL ROWELL 10. Bill summarised the first public meeting held in Kincraig. The meeting was felt to be generally successful by the facilitators (who had already done a lot of outreach work) with 44 attendees. It was felt that young people hadn’t been well represented at the meeting but that further outreach work would attempt to improve the level of contact. Bill noted that the maps provided had been very useful, but it would be helpful if they showed allocated sites or land and sites with existing permissions. He felt that some of the discussions had not focussed enough on potential locations for development (principally housing). COMMUNITY LIAISON CO-ORDINATORS’ REPORTS. 11. Anna Barton gave a report on progress with meetings in the Badenoch & Strathspey area. She noted that Aviemore had requested that someone from the CNPA minute their meeting. 12. Norman and Anna summarised Jean’s progress. It was agreed that the list of invitees to the CNPA Board meeting in the Angus Glens would be used to publicise the events there. LOCAL PLAN QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS 13. The completed questionnaire results were discussed. Bruce requested that we note the percentage return from each CC area. This could also be useful for publicity purposes. ADDITIONAL EXTERNAL MEMBERS FOR GROUP. 14. Sue Walker told the group about Lewis MacDonald’s visit to the CNPA and his questions about the links between the Local Plan and Community Planning. Norman explained that the Community Planning Teams had been invited to join the LPWG. ANY OTHER BUSINESS. 15. None DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 16. The next meeting was arranged for Thursday 13th January, at 3pm in the Cairngorm Hotel, Aviemore. 17. The meeting closed at 5:15pm.